Representing almost 10% of EU GDP and over 13 million jobs, the construction sector serves as a catalyst for other industries, including energy, manufacturing, materials and services. A thriving construction industry will have positive spill-over effects on various other sectors, leading to increased economic activity and opportunities for European businesses.
We create jobs, prosperity and hope for the future.
However, rising material costs and interest rates, inflation and weaker household budgets, together with very strong geo-political tensions, are creating a ‘perfect storm’. Several Member States are already experiencing the first signs of decline in construction activity, mainly in the housebuilding sector.
The green transition is an opportunity and, at the same time, an urgency, as the European continent is witnessing more and more heatwaves, flooding and other extreme weather events. The construction sector can contribute with entrepreneurship and innovation to the creation of resilient cities and communities and to mitigating climate change. Constructing energy efficient buildings, shifting to renewable energy and resources and building climate-resilient, sustainable infrastructure are some examples of how the construction industry is working towards climate neutrality by 2050.
The success of this transition depends on how well the economy as a whole works. Competitiveness is based on companies' ability to succeed in the market in a profitable way. The need for a strong and well-functioning single market has never been greater. Future economic growth prospects will require well-balanced policies to support innovation, increase skills, reduce barriers in labour and product markets and enable a better allocation of resources.
Reliable access to raw materials at competitive conditions, efficient permitting procedures, a stable supply of fossil free energy and tackling skills shortages will be crucial for our success. A coherent legislative framework that better balances different societal needs and adequately takes into account the specificities of the construction sector is needed in order to effectively implement the green transition at national level.
To support a resilient and sustainable Europe, the European construction sector is calling for the following measures at EU level: